It is time to shift the axis of the current education systems in the world ?
Whether systems are individual, social or institutional, there is an axis in which every system moves forward. These axes are divided into two as horizontal and vertical axes. While the vertical axis expresses more development and progress, the horizontal axis is based on the understanding that the systems determined without predicting any change will continue in the same way. It is seen that the current education systems in the world have a horizontal axis based on the understanding of preserving the current situation.
The horizontal axis depends on the understanding of the individual to position himself, the world and systems through opposition, contrasts and studies such as good-bad, successful-unsuccessful, distant-near, liked-disliked, friend-enemy, us-not from us. Individuals, society, state and systems perceive themselves and others on the opposite-based horizontal axis. Judgments or evaluations are made over an ideology and value system that exists on the horizontal axis.For example, the same ideology and values are shared within the family as a result of parents transferring their own ideology or world view to their children. Considering the social life of the children, adopting the values of the family and society is seen as a good behavior. However, in this case, there arises the danger of being transferred to life without questioning existing values.From the perspective of personality development, acceptance of current values corresponds to the midpoint of the personality development process, that is exactly half. If an individual is stuck halfway through personality development, it is unlikely to go further. In other words, if the effort to create personality integrity remains in full half, the process to personality integrity is interrupted if it cannot be carried forward. In individuals whose personality integrity is lacking, or in societies that position themselves according to their enemy or rival, development and consciousness development remain very weak.
On the horizontal axis, the individual continues his / her own development, focusing on the outsiders, without considering his / her inner feelings and thoughts. For example, when students in the education system experience a failure, they see problems arising from the teacher, book, education program or education system as the source of it. However, they do not focus on which of their characteristics pertain to whether or not to create a problem in their learning. Since they do not research their own internal resources regarding the problem that arises in their learning, they are insufficient to find an effective solution to the problem. It is possible to see similar ones in this example almost every day in individual and social life. It can be said that this is due to the fact that the current education system operates on the horizontal axis.
The vertical axis is the opposite of the horizontal axis. On the vertical axis, the individual focuses on internal systems, not external systems. The individual can decide for himself how he will develop. An educational system based on the vertical axis focuses on the individual’s own development curve and takes into account the internal resources of the individual to sustain his development. For example, it is based on the progress between the situation of students learning mathematics in the classroom at the beginning of the term and their status at the end of the term. It is not looked at how much of a standard or norm that has been established as on the horizontal axis is realized compared to the others.
In horizontal systems, it is aimed to keep the individual under control. The development of individuals kept under control takes place to the extent allowed by the family and social systems. Existing education systems plan to what extent individuals will allow their development through inflexible education programs and systems.
In vertical systems, it is aimed to continuously increase the self-realization process of the individual and to continuously open consciousness and perceptions.
Vertical systems are needed for the individual to perceive and develop his own existence in the world. In order to develop the individual through vertical systems, it should focus on the development of individuals rather than the development of systems. If the individual can be offered the opportunity to realize their learning with a vertical axis-based approach through the education system, the awareness of using the existing potential of the individual is gained.