Book Reading Studies with Children
If children are not introduced to books at very early ages, they experience problems in enjoying reading. However, such an introduction at an early age might not always guarantee that this child will be an effective reader. Especially for children, reading books is not only a fun and game activity but also it is an activity that affects children’s imagination and creativity and improves critical thinking and questioning skills as well as feelings, values, conscience and morality – i.e. revealing the personality. While reading and writing a book develops personality, at the same time, it improves learning, research, practice and problem solving skills. In order to ensure their effective emotional and mental development, it is essential for children to be equipped with reading skills that help them sustain the reading habits on their own. As this skill is significant in terms of mental and emotional development of children as well as discovering their interests and talents, it is necessary to find effective solutions to children’s problems with reading books. Our assistance and counselling services to help children enjoy reading are carried out according to the following process as displayed in the figure below. (After getting the assistance and counselling services to help children enjoy reading, a process as displayed below reveals.)
Educational consultancy services to be provided for children easily help them solve their problems related to book reading. After this educational consultancy, many children start to read so many books that they create their own library or a joint library to share with others and improve their friendship bonds through exchanges of books. They even attempt to write their own short stories and anecdotes. Therefore, we offer educational consultancy services to develop reading and writing skills in children through our Program for Developing Book Reading Skills in Children.