Self-Directed Learning Implementation Sills Scale (SDIPSS) consists of the skills included in the Teachers Supported Self-Directed Learning Skills.  SDIPSS was developed by Gündüz and Selvi in ​​2016. More information about the development stages and general characteristics of the scale, see the article and book in which the scale was published. These are stated below.

Scale Artical

Gündüz, G. F. & K. Selvi (2016). Developing a “self-directed learning implementation skills scale for primary school students: Validity and reliability analysis, AGATHOS, Volume 7, Issue 1, 103-124.


Selvi, K. (2019). Kendi Kendine Öğrenme (Self-Directed Learning), (Ed. Kıymet Selvi), Pegem Akademi, 1. Baskı. Ankara.

This scale is applied to primary school students to determine how much of the “Self-Directed Learning Implementation Skills Scale” they need for self-directed learning.

Self-Directed Learning Implementation Skills Scale has a five-factor structure consisting of 45 items in total. The factors of the scale are as seen below.

The scale consists of five factors which are

  • Research Skills
  • Thinking Skills
  • Using Learning Strategies Skills
  • Evaluation Skills
  • Collaborative Learning with Peers Skills

The factors of the Self-Directed Learning Implementation Skills Scale (SDLPSS) are shown in the Figure below.

Figure. Factors of Self-Directed Learning Implementation Skills Scale

By applying the scale, it is determined to what extent primary school students have Self-Directed Learning Implementation Skills Scale. The student’s learning skills are developed by analysing the scores obtained by each student from the scale. For this, the following process is applied;

  • The total score obtained from the scale is calculated
  • Subscale scores are calculated
  • By examining the total score and subscale scores, it is determined which skills the student has problems with
  • A training program/counselling program is prepared for each student to gain the skills they need
  • With the prepared program, students are provided with the necessary skills.